My art is all about capturing the beauty of nature, especially the wonder of water. When I create, my goal is to transport people into the heart of my paintings, where they can experience the tranquility and calmness of the natural world. Through my art, I aim to instil a deep desire to pause, reflect, and savour the serenity that rise from each piece.

Water, mountains and forests, inspires me. Water, in particular, has held my imagination in its grip from a very young age. It has a remarkable ability to soothe and suspend time, casting a mesmerizing spell that remains inexplicable to me.

I've chosen oil paint as my primary medium for its capacity to blend and flow, echoing the very essence of water itself. My artistic journey has undergone a significant transformation over time. I experimented with fluid art and then delved into resin, but currently I am captivated with the challenges of landscape oil painting. This ever-evolving exploration of techniques keeps my artistic spirit alive.

Many of my recent paintings come from photos I've taken during family vacations and everyday outings. I live near the ocean and mountains, which influences my art and my journey as an artist. The natural world around me constantly leaves me in awe. My ultimate satisfaction as an artist lies in witnessing viewers becoming lost in my paintings, feeling the same profound connection to nature and water that fuels my art.

Looking ahead, my ultimate goal is to share the captivating beauty and mystery of water/nature with an audience who not only appreciates it as much as I do but also finds a deep, personal connection to the wonders of the natural world.